About FlexiByte

Who We Are:

We are an online development services company, known as FlexiByte Services. We provide online digital services for our clients. Here at FlexiByte we have reliable and flexible services, made by our awesome developer team!

Services We Provide:

The services we provide here at Flexibyte, include these:

  • Discord Bot Development
  • Minecraft Server Setup/Design
  • Spigot Plugin Development

Currently we DO NOT provide Plugin Updates to plugins that aren’t ours in Spigot Plugin Development!

We may add or remove Services in the future, as of 10/19/23, these are the current services we provide!

Terms of Service


The pricing for our services is based on this:

We price our services by the hour with an addition depending on how large the project is.

Hourly: $15/hr
Project size weight: $0.01/line

This means that we charge $15 an hour, and add on $0.01 for every

For example if a project took 20 hours with 10000 lines of code, the price would be $400

Of course, we are willing to negotiate to fit within our clients budgets. Though this is the main idea of pricing.


This is how we manage payments for our services

At the time of order placement, we will send you an upfront payment invoice depending on the expected size of the project. The project will fall under one of these plans:
Basic Upfront: $0 USD (<$49 est.)
Standard Upfront: $25 USD ($50-$74 est.)
Premium Upfront: $50 USD ($75-$149 est.)
Master Upfront: $100 USD ($150-$249 est.)
Enterprise Upfront: $200 USD ($250> est.)

At the end of a project we will send you proof of the project, and then we will send out an invoice to the client.

If an invoice is not paid within 2 weeks of being sent out, the project will be shut down, and the client will lose access to the project, until further notice.


Here at Flexibyte Services, we have a reliable team of developers that can help you out with your projects! Here is a list of them:

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